Sites of Interest

AccessDermatology is an educational platform for dermatology professionals which offers free access to news, articles, congress reports,downloadable images and a database of clinical trials in dermatology. Many of these contents are about photobiology.

American Society for Photobiology:
The ASP promotes research in photobiology, integration of different photobiology disciplines, dissemination of photobiology knowledge, and provides information on photobiological aspects of national and international issues.

British Photodermatology Group:
The British Photodermatology Group (BPG) is a special interest society of the British Association of Dermatologists, and acts as a forum of communication for all those with an interest in photodermatology.

European Photochemistry Association:
The objective of the European Photochemistry Association (EPA) is to promote the development of photochemistry in Europe and contacts among photochemists. The Association is concerned with various experimental and theoretical aspects of the interaction of light with molecular systems, ranging from basic knowledge and practical know-how in photochemistry to application in areas such as chemical synthesis, electronics, material science, nanotechnology, biology and medicine.

European Society for Photodermatology (ESPD):
The European Society for Photodermatology (ESPD) acts as a forum of communication for all those with an interest in photodermatology around Europe.

Glossary of Terms used in Photochemistry:
The second edition of the Glossary of Terms Used in Photochemistry has been both corrected and updated. Terms have been added related to molecular anisotropy, the use of polarized radiation, nonlinear optical phenomena, and the emerging field of computation of excited species. Some changes have been introduced in this "Glossary" regarding the terms related to radiation energy to make this collection fully compatible with internationally agreed-upon terms. Many links are included to various Web pages listing quantities relevant to the work of photochemists and scientists using photochemical tools.

International Photodynamic Association (IPA):
The IPA was founded in 1986 and its membership consists of the most prominent international clinicians and scientists involved in performing and researching photodynamic therapy (PDT) and photodiagnosis (PD). The purpose of the IPA is promote the study of diagnosis and treatment using light and photosensitisers, to disseminate such information to the members of the IPA, the medical community and to the general public.

International Union of Photobiology (IUPB):
The IUPB stimulates scientific research in photobiology. Membership is open to international photobiology groups and individuals from countries with no photobiology organizations. Next IUPB/ESP Joined Congress: Barcelona 2019, Spain

Norwegian Society for Photobiology and Photomedicine:
The primary aims of NOFFOF are to coordinate and promote the science of photobiology and photomedicine in Norway. Central activities include the NOFFOF annual meeting, granting travel awards to students, selecting the winner of the Claude Rimington’s Commemorative Prize and coordinating contact with international photobiology societies.

Photobiological Sciences Online:
Photobiological Sciences Online is a free Internet-based textbook on photobiology, sponsored by the American Society for Photobiology.

Société Française de Photobiologie:
Ancienne société française d’actinologie reconnue d'utilité publique par décret du 16 mai 1929

Società Italiana di Fotobiologia: