11th ESP 2005 - Aix-les-Bains, France, September 3/8, 2005

Fellowships for the 11th Congress of the ESP

The European Society for Photobiology (ESP) will award a limited number of Fellowships, 300 Euro each plus waiving of the registration fee, for young Photobiologists attending the 11 th Congress of the Society, which will be held in Aix-les-bains, France, from September 3 to September 8, 2005

Applicants have to be Students or Post-Doc's (less than 35 years of age) and must be ESP Members at the time of application.

Applications should be sent (preferably by e-mail) to Francesco Lenci, Chairman of the "Education" Group, by June 5, 2005 (new dead-line). The application letter must be accompanied by:

  • Abstract accepted for presentation at the meeting
  • A concise CV of the applicant
  • A letter of support from the applicants advisor at his or her home institution

Francesco Lenci

CNR Istituto di Biofisica

Via G. Moruzzi 1

56124 PISA (ITALY)

Tel +39-050315.3020; Fax +39-050315.2760

e-mail: francesco. lenci@pi.ibf.cnr.it


ASP Frederick Urbach Memorial Travel Award

The European Society for Photobiology gratefully acknowledges the American Society for Photobiology for the establishment of the Frederick Urbach Memorial Travel Award and remembers his crucial contributions to the Science of Photobiology, his commitments to the diffusion of scientific culture among the new generations, his precious friendship.


The American Society for Photobiology (ASP) is pleased to announce the establishment of the Frederick Urbach Memorial Travel Award to help defray, in part, the costs of travel of ASP Associate Members to the 11th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology (September 3-8, 2005, Aix-les-Bains, France).

In order to be considered for this competitive award, Associate Members must:

(1) Submit an abstract to the ESP (http://www.esp-photobiology.it/2005congress/index.html) by May 15, 2005 .

(2) Submit a copy of your abstract and a letter from you justifying how travel to this meeting will further you career goals.

(3) Submit a letter from your mentor supporting your application.

Application materials must be sent to Dr. Stephen E. Ullrich, Chair of the ASP Mentoring Committee on or before June 15, 2005.